8 Operation of the service management system 服务管理体系的运行/8.7Service assurance 服务保证/8.7.3 Information security management 信息安全管理 Information security policy 信息安全策略
Management with appropriate authority shall approve an informationsecurity policy relevant to the organization. The informationsecurity policy shall be documented and take into consideration theservice requirements and the obligations in 6.3 c).
具有适宜权限的管理层应批准适用于组织的信息安全策略。信息安全策略应被文件化,并考虑服务要求和6.3 c)中的义务。
The information security policy shall be made available asappropriate. The organization shall communicate the importance ofconforming to the information security policy and its applicabilityto the SMS and the services to appropriate persons within:
a) the organization;
a) 组织;
b) customers and users;
b) 顾客和用户;
c) external suppliers, internal suppliers and other interestedparties.
c) 外部供应商,内部供应商和其他相关方。 Information security controls 信息安全控制
At planned intervals, the information security risks to the SMS andthe services shall be assessed and documented. Information securitycontrols shall be determined, implemented and operated to supportthe information security policy and address identified informationsecurity risks. Decisions about information security controls shallbe documented.
The organization shall agree and implement information securitycontrols to address information security risks related to externalorganizations.
The organization shall monitor and review the effectiveness ofinformation security controls and take necessary actions.
组织应对信息安全控制措施的有效性进行监视和评审,并采取必要的行动。 Information security incidents 信息安全事件
Information security incidents shall be:
a) recorded and classified;
a) 被记录和被分级;
b) prioritized taking into consideration the information securityrisk;
b) 按照优先次序被处理,考虑信息安全风险;
c) escalated if needed;
c) 被升级处理,如果有需要;
d) resolved;
d) 被解决;
e) closed.
e) 被关闭。
The organization shall analyse the information security incidentsby type, volume and impact on the SMS, services and interestedparties. Information security incidents shall be reported andreviewed to identify opportunities for improvement.
NOTE The ISO/IEC 27000 series specifies requirements and providesguidance to support the implementation and operation of aninformation security management system. ISO/IEC 27013 providesguidance on the integration of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1(this document).
注,ISO/IEC 27000系列标准明了要求和提供了指南,以支持信息安全管理体系的实施和运行。ISO/IEC27013提供了ISO/IEC 27001 和 ISO/IEC 20000-1(本文件)整合的指南。
成立日期 | 2016年11月10日 | ||
主营产品 | ISO体系、17025实验室认可、CMA资质、涉密信息系统集成、ITSS、CMMI、CS、CCRC、军工三证、国军标体系、测绘资质、安防资质、承装修试-5级、特种设备生产许可证、各类生产许可证及备案、高新技术企业、双软认定、专项基金、知识产权 | ||
公司简介 | 贯标集团成立于2000年,是经国家认证认可监督管理委员会批准、按照国际标准化组织互认制度设立的全国首家认证咨询机构,中国认证认可协会常务理事单位、认证咨询专业委员会会长单位。二十多年来专业从事各类管理体系认证、产品认证、实验室认证、军方资质、IT类资质、建工资质认定、高新企业及涉密、测绘、安防等资质认定,生产许可证、特种设备许可证及各类管理培训。集团现有客户五万余家,下设“南京贯标认证咨询有限公司 ... |
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