1. 408项农药残留扫描 408 items Scan GC-MS-MS GC-MS LC-MS-MS 目前检测能力总和Totaltesting capacity of Pesticides Residue
2. 302项农药残留扫描 302 items Scan GC-MS-MS GC-MSLC-MS-MS农药多残留分析:适用于出口日本,欧盟等 Multi-residue screening test designedfor Japanand EU market
3. 79项农药残留扫描-动物源 79 items Scan- Animal samples GC-MS-MSGC-MSLC-MS-MS 水产品,畜禽肉类产品的农残检测Multi-residue screening testforAquatic and animal products
4. 80项农药残留扫描 80 items Scan LC-MS-MS 中国常用以及国外常检项目 IPesticideswidely used in China and fre tested in foreign countryI
5. 130项农药残留扫描 130 items Scan GC-MS-MS GC-MS LC-MS-MS中国常用以及国外常检项目II Pesticides widely used in China and fre tested inforeigncountry II
6. 100项农药残留扫描 100 items Scan GC-MS-MS GC-MS 中国常用以及国外常检项目IIIPesticides widely used in China and fre tested in foreigncountryIII
7. 100项+80项农药残留扫描 100+80 items Scan GC-MS-MS GC-MSLC-MS-MS中国常用以及国外常检项目 I+III Pesticides widely used in China andfretested in foreign country I+III